SnapNet: Unstructured point cloud semantic labeling using deep segmentation networks

Published in Computer and Graphics, 2017

Authors: Alexandre Boulch, Bertrand Le Saux and Nicolas Audebert

Code available at Github

Computer and Graphics version

Link to the paper.

  title={SnapNet: 3D point cloud semantic labeling with 2D deep segmentation networks},
  author={Boulch, Alexandre and Guerry, Joris and Le Saux, Bertrand and Audebert, Nicolas},
  journal={Computers \& Graphics},

3DOR Version

A preliminary version of the this work has been presented at 10th Eurographics workshop on 3D Object retrieval, 3DOR 2017.

Download paper here

  title={Unstructured point cloud semantic labeling using deep segmentation networks},
  author={Boulch, Alexandre and Saux, Bertrand Le and Audebert, Nicolas},
  booktitle={Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval},