Deep Learning Classes - June
Course, ONERA, 2017
These full-day seminars are intended to give understanding of the key-concepts of machine learning and deep learning to an audience of engineers and research scientists. They are organized as a half-day tutorial to give theoretical basics and a half-day workshop with invited talks about more applied topics.
Slides for Deep Learning classes:
Introduction and Feature extraction by Bertrand Le Saux (Slides in French)
Classification and Support-Vector Machines by Alexandre Boulch (Slides in French)
Neural Networks by Bertrand Le Saux (Slides and Slides in French)
Deep Learning by Alexandre Boulch (Slides in French)
Invited Talks:
Marina Gruet (ONERA/DPhIEE): Neural networks for space weather prediction (Slides)
Jérôme Morio (ONERA/DTIS): Aerial traffic data analysis for risk evaluation (Slides)
Philippe Besse (INSA Toulouse/IMT): From statistician to data scientist (Slides)